Up wind sails
High quality polyester woven (such as Dacron®)
Flagship product for programme where one is seeking simplicity, durability and accessibility. Ideal for coastal cruising, it also represent a good opportunity for offshore programmes seekink reliability and cost-effectiveness.
Hard coatedpolyester woven
For the csual racer on boats of up to 30ft seekingefficient and durable sails.
D2 Efficiency, robustness, cost-effectiveness
Composite polyester
In its double taffeta version the D2 range is a very good value for amateur sailors looking for sails that perform well and are durable for fast boats up to 50ft.
Polyester composite or Pentex®
Pour le régatier occasionnel jusqu’à 30 pieds cherchant des voiles efficaces et durables.
Spectra® composite
For intensive or offshore cruising. The Spectra fibre and its different weights allow a good weight control and durability. High resistance to tearing and abrasion. Guarantee of security for offshore cruising.
Aramid composite (Kevlar®) or carbon
In film or taffeta finishing, triradial cuts in high module fibers make high performance sails.
100% Incidence technologie. Depending on how it is set (Aramid, Polyester, Vectran, Carbon) there is a D4 suitable to your programme. We manufacture a very high quality and customized membrane to meet your needs of performance, fiability and look in IRC, Monotype, Mini, Class40, Figaro, lmoca, Maxi and Superyachts …
DFi® Strenght, stability, lightness, performance
This filamentary membrane is of made of pre-impregnated composite tapes laid out along very precise non-parallel line to carry the primary and secondary loads exerted on the sail during sailing.
DFi® offers exceptional durability to sails, excellent stability of form, and the material, free of Mylar film or taffeta, is extremely light.
This membrane is customized to meets your needs of performance and durability.
Downwind sails
SPI symetrical

Symmetrical Spinnaker S1
Very light weight spinnaker adapted to reaching in light winds.

Symmetrical Spinnaker S2
Medium weight and multipurpose downwind spinnaker.

Symmetrical Spinnaker S3
Heavy weight spinnaker suited to higher angles in strong winds.

Symmetrical Spinnaker S4
Heavy weight downwind spinnaker suited to sailing downwind in strong winds.
SPI asymetrical

Asymmetrical Spinnaker A1
Lightweight spinnaker adapted to reaching in light winds.

Asymmetrical Spinnaker A2
Medium weight and versatile asymmetrical downwind Spinnaker.

Asymmetrical Spinnaker A3
Heavy weight spinnaker adapted to reaching in strong winds.

Asymmetrical Spinnaker A4
Heavy weight spinnaker adapted to reaching in strong winds.

Downwind gennaker
Deep gennaker, optimised for broad-reaching and downwind in medium wind.
Medium weight.

All-round Gennaker
Sail optimised for winds from 0 to 25-30 kts. Medium to heavy weight.
Color your spi
Select the type of downwind sail
Asymmetrical spinnaker
Symmetrical spinnaker
Select the size of your downwind sail

Size < 14 meters

Size > 14 meters
Select the size of your downwind sail

Size < 14 meters

Size > 14 meters
Select the size of your downwind sail

Size < 14 meters

Size > 14 meters
Colour your downwind sail
Asymmetrical spinnaker
Size < 14 meters
To colorize your downwind sail, simply choose colors from the available palettes and click on the bands of the spinnaker to colorize.
To clear what you have done, click delete and wipe the area or then click delete everything
Palette 1
Applies to Superkote 0.75 and Superkote 0.90 fabrics or equivalent. Fluor colors are not available for Superkote 0.90.